Sunday, May 24, 2009
Penulisan Daftar Pustaka Sistem Harvard (author-date style)
4 komentar Diposkan oleh Novi Reandy Sasmita di Sunday, May 24, 2009Contoh :
Buller H, Hoggart K. 1994a. New drugs for acute respiratory distress syndrome. New England J Med 337(6): 435-439.
Buller H, Hoggart K. 1994b. The social integration of British home owners into rench rural communities. J Rural
Studies 10(2):197–210.
Dower M. 1977. Planning aspects of second homes. di dalam Coppock JT (ed.), Second Homes: Curse or Blessing? Oxford: Pergamon Pr. Hlm 210–237.
Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB. 1993. Marijuana: the Forbidden Medicine. London: Yale Univ Press.
Palmer FR. 1986. Mood and Modality. Cambridge:Cambridge Univ Press.
Contoh melakukan perujukan sumber pustaka dalam naskah tulisan:
“Smith (1983) menemukan bahwa tumbuhan pengikat N dapat diinfeksi oleh beberapa spesies Rhizobium yang berbeda”.
“Integrasi vertikal sistem rantai pasokan dapat menghemat total biaya distribusi antara 15% sampai 25 % (Smith, 1949, Bond et al., 1955, Jones dan Green, 1963).”
“Walaupun keberadaan Rhizobium normalnya mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan kacangkacangan (Nguyen,
1987), namun telah didapat pula hasil yang berbeda bahkan berlawanan (Washington, 1999).”
Label: Artikel
Friday, May 8, 2009
My experience when I was committee of ICONES
3 komentar Diposkan oleh Novi Reandy Sasmita di Friday, May 08, 2009Do you know why? It was make me happy because I had to speak English with participants of ICONES. I like to guide foreign participant. I don’t know why, I felt my English very good and participants knew about what I said to them.
When ICONES was taking place, I met several of the top people in the world. For example Prof. Dr. Evan Groesen (from University of Twente The Netherland and Labmath Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Kiichiro Kagawa (from University of Fukui), Prof. Dr. Fumiaki Kimata (from University of Nagoya), Theingi Ye Myith (from Yagon Technological University), Dr. Ir. Hendrik Kurniawan (From Makmur Mandiri Research Center), Dr. Andonowati (from Labmath Indonesia), Ian Singleton, P. hd (from PanEco). It’s make me like a top people like them. I’m very happy.
Label: Tentang Ku
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Scholarship for Master in International Media Studies
2 komentar Diposkan oleh Novi Reandy Sasmita di Saturday, May 02, 2009The bilingual Master`s Program offers a unique course offer given the current development of global media and the connection between media and cooperative development. Students from around the world will benefit from the inclusion of partners and the unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience.
The program combines topics like media and development, journalism, communication science and media economics, while developing practical skills and competencies that are important for the world of media.The Master`s Program International Media Studies is a four-semester, full-time program for further education. It is a joint project from the University of Bonn, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Deutsche Welle, Germany`s international broadcaster with its headquarters in Bonn.
The bilingual Master`s Program offers a unique course offer given the current development of global media and the connection between media and cooperative development. Students from around the world will benefit from the inclusion of partners and the unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience.
The program combines topics like media and development, journalism, communication science and media economics, while developing practical skills and competencies that are important for the world of media.
Free and independent media is a significant factor for a functioning democracy, social justice and the protection of human rights. The Master`s Program is based on the belief that there is a connection between democracy and development, between the freedom of opinion and democracy as well as between free media and development. The prerequisite for the establishment of a functioning, free media system are journalists who realize their role as a critical observer and reporter. This can only be guaranteed when they are professionally trained and feel obligated by a set of journalistic ethics.
By training journalists academically, the Master`s Program is therefore a targeted step towards making the media spokespeople for openness within democracy. The courses are based on the values of democracy, freedom and conflict prevention, civil society and good government – representative of the connection between the media and cooperative development.
Students will acquire the knowledge and skills that are essential for a journalistic career. They will be able to meet specific occupational requirements with expertise and communicative independence. The Master`s Program trains students – personally and professionally – to be competent journalists and prepare them for a challenging role as expert or manager in the media sector.
Target Group
The program is targeted at students from around the world that want to work in a position of responsibility in journalism or the communications sector. It especially addresses journalists-in-training, media representatives from radio, TV, online and print and communication experts. Those interested must have already completed an academic program (bachelor`s or equivalent) and have at least one year of professional media experience. The program will be bilingual (English and German), whereby English will be the prevalent course language.
Especially targeted at:
- Media representatives from radio, TV, online and print
- Journalists- in-training, especially from electronic media
- Journalists and management from community radio stations
- Communication experts
- NGO employee
- Employees from ministries
- Employees from cooperative development groups and projects
- Representatives from regional working groups and national broadcasters
- Media association representatives
15 Scholarships will be awarded to applicants from Africa, Asia, Latin America or Eastern Europe. The scholarship will be about 750 Euro covering your cost of living and costs for accommodation. The tuition fee and the flight will be remunerated, too. A committee will decide which applicant will receive a scholarship. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, you are required to submit the following documents:
- completed application form (attachment)
- curriculum vitae in table form
- statement of purpose
- academic degree including transcripts
- proof of at least one year`s work experience in the field of media after your degree
- proof of English-language skills (TOEFL: score of 550 or higher, IELTS: Score of 6.0 or higher, BULATS: score of 70 or higher, LCCI: level of 3, etc.)
- proof of German-language skills (TestDaF level TDN 3 or DSH level 1)
- one passport-size photograph
- copy of the first two pages of passport
- original Certificate of APS (for applicants from China, Vietnam and Mongolia)
Please note that the copies of the certificates and the translations into German or English need to be certified.
Please send your application form to:
Deutsche Welle, DW-AKADEMIE, International Media Studies,
Dr. Christoph Schmidt, 53110 Bonn, Germany,
MBA Scholarships 2009 at the Kuehne School of Logistics and Management
0 komentar Diposkan oleh Novi Reandy Sasmita di Saturday, May 02, 2009University graduates with more than one year`s career experience who apply for the full-time MBA programme starting in October 2009 may, if suitably qualified, be able to fund the € 19.800 tuition fee in part or in full by means of a scholarship.
The application for the MBA tuition fee scholarship will take place simultaneously with the application for the MBA full-time program. In the application form for the place of study candidates should enter "Young Professional Scholarship" in the section "Financing the program". Any further action will be clarified in direct contact with the applicant.
The MBA the admission committee reviews all scholarship applications received by April 30, 2009. Scholarship candidates must be offered a place on the MBA programme and are chosen on the basis of work experience, academic excellence, international experience and GMAT score etc.
Further information:
Bank Loan
In co-operation with a German bank, the Kühne School facilitates the procedure to obtain educational loans to pursue the MBA program. The interest rates on these loans are lower than the German market rate. The terms and conditions allow the applicant to request a loan tailored to his / her personal needs.
Remark: Further information, application forms and support will be provided to candidates who have successfully passed the admission process.
- Brochure MBA (PDF, 481kB)
- Application Form (Print version) (PDF, 236kB)
- Application Form (PDF, 851kB)
Label: Info Lomba
Short Story Competition adalah ajang kompetisi sinopsis film pendek berdurasi 10-15 menit.
Persyaratan kompetisi ini adalah:
1. Orisinil - Sinopsis / treatment belum pernah dipublikasi dalam bentuk komersil apapun
2. Sinopsis diketik ( font 12, spasi 1,5 halaman, maksimal 2 halaman A4)
3. Batasan usia 18-30 thn
4. Kriteria Cerita:
5. Menyertakan formulir yang bisa di download di page blog , diisi lengkap dan bisa diemail ke atau dikirim langsung ke alamat SET Film, Jl. Sinabung 4B, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, 12120 disertai identitas diri, KTP/SIM
6. Setiap peserta hanya boleh mengirimkan satu sinopsis
7. Keputusan Juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
8. Film hasil produksi workshop ini mutlak milik produser ( Djarum dan SET Film )
Penutupan pengiriman formulir dan sinopsis tanggal 1 Juni 2009
Dari kompetisi ini akan dipilih 4 sinopsis terbaik yang akan menjadi pemenang
dan diumumkan saat WORKSHOP LA LIGHTS INDIE MOVIE 2009 di bulan Juli 2009
Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah berupa uang dan bertemu dengan scriptwriter profesional untuk mengikuti sesi mentoring, mengembangkan sinopsis kalian menjadi skenario film pendek yang baik.
Skenario ini kemudian akan difilmkan dalam program BIKIN FILM BARENG ARTIS
SET Film
Jl. Sinabung No. 4B, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan - 12120
Telp. 021 727 99227 / 727 99226
HP Panitia 0815 1059 4899 ( Silahkan tlp atau email, jangan sms-tidak akan dibalas)
Contact Person: Fira / Anung
Label: Info Lomba